Welcome to
Land at Rushden Road, Milton Ernest
This website has been produced to provide information and to invite comments on our proposal for residential development on Land at Rushden Road, Milton Ernest.

Where is the site?
The site is located to the immediate north of the village of Milton Ernest.
It comprises an agricultural field measuring two hectares and is bound to the north by open fields, the A6 (Rushden Road) to the south and residential development to the east and west.
Vehicular access to the site is proposed via the A6 (Rushden Road).

What is being proposed?
The proposed development involves the construction of 25 residential dwellings with associated gardens and parking areas. As part of the development, new pedestrian and cycle routes are provided alongside public open space for residents of the site and the wider community. The development will be a sustainable one in terms of its economic, social and environmental objectives.
As part of the development, Bedfordia would offer Milton Ernest Parish Council use of a circular walking route around the rural boundary of the wider land within their ownership. Open to the local community, the site can be secured by the Parish Council through a legal agreement.
Whilst the site has an agricultural access in its south-eastern corner, a new vehicular and pedestrian access will be introduced as part of the development, which will be located further west along Rushden Road.
The initial application to Bedford Borough Council will be an outline application with all matters reserved except for access. This means the layout displayed below is indicative only at this stage.
Vision and benefits
We are committed to supporting the Milton Ernest Neighbourhood Plan’s aims which seek to ensure that Milton Ernest remains a safe, successful and rural village with a balanced and diverse community. Our vision is to provide a site scheme that will deliver beautiful, high-quality homes that are healthy and comfortable to live in and economic to run, and which residents are proud to call home.
Carefully designed green spaces will enhance biodiversity and provide recreational opportunities for people to come together from across Milton Ernest. The development will be centred around careful integration with the surrounding community whilst enhancing available community benefits for both future and existing residents of Milton Ernest.

A mix of new homes - housing available on the open market and affordable houses, helping to meet the village’s housing needs

New pedestrian and cycle path links including a circular walking route around the rural boundary of the wider land within Bedfordia’s ownership.

Tree planting, biodiversity net gain and opportunities for wildlife enhancements

New open spaces for use by the local community

Contributions to support local infrastructure

Respecting heritage assets

Alleviating existing local surface water flooding

When is it happening?
The outline planning application is due to be submitted in October 2023.
Once validated, the application will enter the statutory determination process where the Council will consider the development. If the outline planning application is approved a reserved matters application will be compiled and submitted.
Who are Bedfordia?
Property investment and development have been central to the Bedfordia Group since the company’s foundation in the 1930’s.

A trusted developer of high quality commercial and residential properties, Bedfordia Development’s values are founded upon the principles of responsibility and trust.
They always aim to make a positive contribution to the local community and have a long history of supporting local projects and events in and around Milton Ernest. These include taking part in the LEAF Open Farm Sunday ‘food to fork’ initiative, welcoming in excess of 3,000 visitors to a free event and raising over £6,000 for local charities. They also host the Milton Ernest ‘Forest School’ in one of their woods and support other village activities.
Click below to view Bedfordia’s homepage: bedfordiaproperty.co.uk
How can I get involved?
A public consultation event took place on 20th September 2023 at Milton Ernest Village Hall. We are now running a period of consultation until 6th October 2023 so that residents and others can have their say on the plans at this stage.
The views of the local community are important to us. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to let us know what you think. Once we have reviewed the feedback, we will finalise our plans and submit a proposal to Bedford Borough Council.